Nightly versions may be unstable or not compatible across tooling.
Merkle trees allow for on-chain verification of off-chain data. With the merkle root posted on-chain, the generation of proofs off-chain can provide verifiably true data.
For implementation details on the Merkle Library please see the Sway Libs Docs .
In order to use the Merkle Library, Sway Libs must be added to the Forc.toml
file and then imported into your Sway project. To add Sway Libs as a dependency to the Forc.toml
file in your project please see the Getting Started .
To import the Merkle Library to your Sway Smart Contract, add the following to your Sway file:
use sway_libs::merkle::binary_proof::*;
Once imported, using the Merkle Proof library is as simple as calling the desired function. Here is a list of function definitions that you may use.
The Binary Proof currently allows for you to compute leaves and nodes of a merkle tree given the appropriate hash digest.
To compute a leaf use the leaf_digest()
fn compute_leaf(hashed_data: b256) {
let leaf: b256 = leaf_digest(hashed_data);
To compute a node given two leaves, use the node_digest()
fn compute_node(leaf_a: b256, leaf_b: b256) {
let node: b256 = node_digest(leaf_a, leaf_b);
NOTE Order matters when computing a node.
To compute a Merkle root given a proof, use the process_proof()
fn process(key: u64, leaf: b256, num_leaves: u64, proof: Vec<b256>) {
let merkle_root: b256 = process_proof(key, leaf, num_leaves, proof);
To verify a proof against a merkle root, use the verify_proof()
fn verify(
merkle_root: b256,
key: u64,
leaf: b256,
num_leaves: u64,
proof: Vec<b256>,
) {
assert(verify_proof(key, leaf, merkle_root, num_leaves, proof));
To generate a Merkle Tree and corresponding proof for your Sway Smart Contract, use the Fuel-Merkle crate.
The import the Fuel-Merkle crate, the following should be added to the project's Cargo.toml
file under [dependencies]
fuel-merkle = { version = "0.50.0" }
NOTE Make sure to use the latest version of the fuel-merkle crate.
The following should be added to your Rust file to use the Fuel-Merkle crate.
use fuel_merkle::binary::in_memory::MerkleTree;
To create a merkle tree using Fuel-Merkle is as simple as pushing your leaves in increasing order.
// Create a new Merkle Tree and define leaves
let mut tree = MerkleTree::new();
let leaves = [b"A", b"B", b"C"].to_vec();
// Hash the leaves and then push to the merkle tree
for datum in &leaves {
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let hash = hasher.finalize();
To generate a proof for a specific leaf, you must have the index or key of the leaf. Simply call the prove function:
// Define the key or index of the leaf you want to prove and the number of leaves
let key: u64 = 0;
// Get the merkle root and proof set
let (merkle_root, proof_set) = tree.prove(key).unwrap();
// Convert the proof set from Vec<Bytes32> to Vec<Bits256>
let mut bits256_proof: Vec<Bits256> = Vec::new();
for itterator in proof_set {
Once the proof has been generated, you may call the Sway Smart Contract's verify_proof
// Create the merkle leaf
let mut leaf_hasher = Sha256::new();
leaf_hasher.update(leaves[key as usize]);
let hashed_leaf_data = leaf_hasher.finalize();
let merkle_leaf = leaf_sum(&hashed_leaf_data);
// Get the number of leaves or data points
let num_leaves: u64 = leaves.len() as u64;
// Call the Sway contract to verify the generated merkle proof
let result: bool = contract_instance