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Src 15 Offchain Asset Metadata

Icon LinkSRC-15: Off-Chain Native Asset Metadata

The following standard attempts to define arbitrary metadata for any Native Asset Icon Link that is not required by other contracts onchain, in a stateless manner. Any contract that implements the SRC-15 standard MUST implement the SRC-20 standard.

Icon LinkMotivation

The SRC-15 standard seeks to enable data-rich assets on the Fuel Network while maintaining a stateless solution. All metadata queries are done off-chain using the indexer.

Icon LinkPrior Art

The SRC-7 standard exists prior to the SRC-15 standard and is a stateful solution. The SRC-15 builds off the SRC-7 standard by using the Metadata enum however provides a stateless solution.

The use of generic metadata was originally found in the Sway-Lib's NFT Library Icon Link which did not use Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link. This library has since been deprecated.

A previous definition for a metadata standard was written in the original edit of the now defunct SRC-721 Icon Link. This has since been replaced with the SRC-20 standard as SubId was introduced to enable multiple assets to be minted from a single contract.

Icon LinkSpecification

Icon LinkMetadata Type

The Metadata enum from the SRC-7 standard is also used to represent the metadata in the SRC-15 standard.

Icon LinkLogging

The following logs MUST be implemented and emitted to follow the SRC-15 standard. Logging MUST be emitted from the contract which minted the asset.

Icon LinkSRC15MetadataEvent

The SRC15MetadataEvent MUST be emitted at least once for each distinct piece of metadata. The latest emitted SRC15MetadataEvent is determined to be the current metadata.

There SHALL be the following fields in the SRC15MetadataEvent struct:

  • asset: The asset field SHALL be used for the corresponding AssetId for the metadata.
  • metadata: The metadata field SHALL be used for the corresponding Metadata which represents the metadata of the asset.


pub struct SRC15MetadataEvent {
    pub asset: AssetId,
    pub metadata: Metadata,

Icon LinkRationale

The SRC-15 standard allows for data-rich assets in a stateless manner by associating an asset with some metadata that may later be fetched by the indexer.

Icon LinkBackwards Compatibility

This standard is compatible with Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link and the SRC-20 standard. This standard is also compatible with the SRC-7 standard which defines a stateful solution. It also maintains compatibility with existing standards in other ecosystems.

Icon LinkSecurity Considerations

When indexing for SRC-15 metadata, developers should confirm that the contract that emitted the SRC15MetadataEvent is also the contract that minted the asset that the metadata associates with. Additionally, restrictions via access control on who may emit the Metadata should be considered.

Icon LinkExample Implementation

Icon LinkSingle Native Asset

Example of the SRC-15 implementation where metadata exists for only a single asset with one SubId.

use standards::{
use std::string::String;
configurable {
    /// The total supply of coins for the asset minted by this contract.
    TOTAL_SUPPLY: u64 = 100_000_000,
    /// The decimals of the asset minted by this contract.
    DECIMALS: u8 = 9u8,
    /// The name of the asset minted by this contract.
    NAME: str[7] = __to_str_array("MyAsset"),
    /// The symbol of the asset minted by this contract.
    SYMBOL: str[5] = __to_str_array("MYTKN"),
    /// The metadata for the "social:x" key.
    SOCIAL_X: str[12] = __to_str_array("fuel_network"),
    /// The metadata for the "site:forum" key.
    SITE_FORUM: str[27] = __to_str_array("https://forum.fuel.network/"),
    /// The metadata for the "attr:health" key.
    ATTR_HEALTH: u64 = 100,
abi EmitSRC15Events {
    fn emit_src15_events();
impl EmitSRC15Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src15_events() {
        // NOTE: There are no checks for if the caller has permissions to emit the metadata.
        // NOTE: Nothing is stored in storage and there is no method to retrieve the configurables.
        let asset = AssetId::default();
        let metadata_1 = Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SOCIAL_X)));
        let metadata_2 = Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SITE_FORUM)));
        let metadata_3 = Metadata::Int(ATTR_HEALTH);
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_1).log();
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_2).log();
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_3).log();
// SRC15 extends SRC20, so this must be included
impl SRC20 for Contract {
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
abi EmitSRC20Events {
    fn emit_src20_events();
impl EmitSRC20Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src20_events() {
        // Metadata that is stored as a configurable must be emitted once.
        let asset = AssetId::default();
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let name = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME)));
        let symbol = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL)));
        SetNameEvent::new(asset, name, sender).log();
        SetSymbolEvent::new(asset, symbol, sender).log();
        SetDecimalsEvent::new(asset, DECIMALS, sender).log();
        TotalSupplyEvent::new(asset, TOTAL_SUPPLY, sender).log();

Icon LinkMulti Native Asset

Example of the SRC-15 implementation where metadata exists for multiple assets with differing SubId values.

use standards::{
use std::{hash::Hash, storage::storage_string::*, string::String};
// In this example, all assets minted from this contract have the same decimals, name, and symbol
configurable {
    /// The decimals of every asset minted by this contract.
    DECIMALS: u8 = 0u8,
    /// The name of every asset minted by this contract.
    NAME: str[7] = __to_str_array("MyAsset"),
    /// The symbol of every asset minted by this contract.
    SYMBOL: str[5] = __to_str_array("MYAST"),
    /// The metadata for the "social:x" key.
    SOCIAL_X: str[12] = __to_str_array("fuel_network"),
    /// The metadata for the "site:forum" key.
    SITE_FORUM: str[27] = __to_str_array("https://forum.fuel.network/"),
storage {
    /// The total number of distinguishable assets this contract has minted.
    total_assets: u64 = 0,
    /// The total supply of a particular asset.
    total_supply: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
abi EmitSRC15Events {
    fn emit_src15_events(asset: AssetId, svg_image: String, health_attribute: u64);
impl EmitSRC15Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src15_events(asset: AssetId, svg_image: String, health_attribute: u64) {
        // NOTE: There are no checks for if the caller has permissions to emit the metadata
        // NOTE: Nothing is stored in storage and there is no method to retrieve the configurables.
        // If this asset does not exist, revert
        if storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read().is_none() {
        let metadata_1 = Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SOCIAL_X)));
        let metadata_2 = Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SITE_FORUM)));
        let metadata_3 = Metadata::String(svg_image);
        let metadata_4 = Metadata::Int(health_attribute);
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_1).log();
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_2).log();
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_3).log();
        SRC15MetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_4).log();
// SRC15 extends SRC20, so this must be included
impl SRC20 for Contract {
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME))),
            None => None,
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL))),
            None => None,
    fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(DECIMALS),
            None => None,
abi EmitSRC20Data {
    fn emit_src20_data(asset: AssetId, total_supply: u64);
impl EmitSRC20Data for Contract {
    fn emit_src20_data(asset: AssetId, supply: u64) {
        // NOTE: There are no checks for if the caller has permissions to update the metadata
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let name = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME)));
        let symbol = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL)));
        SetNameEvent::new(asset, name, sender).log();
        SetSymbolEvent::new(asset, symbol, sender).log();
        SetDecimalsEvent::new(asset, DECIMALS, sender).log();
        TotalSupplyEvent::new(asset, supply, sender).log();