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The contract keyword at the top defines one of the four program types found in Sway. Others being libraries, scripts and predicates.

// The underlying smart contracts written in Sway are no different than those in Solidity
// Some bytecode is deployed with an API and state to interact with
// The ABI (Application Binary Interface) clearly defines the signature of the functions present in the contract
abi HelloModular {
    // The "annotation" storage indicates the impure actions of the function
    // In this case the greet() function only has reading capabilities.
    // Note: Storage can only be found in contract type programs
    fn my_lucky_number() -> u64;
// Storage contains all of the state available in the contract 
storage {
    lucky_number: u64 = 777,
// The actual implementation of ABI for the contract
impl HelloModular for Contract {
    fn my_lucky_number() -> u64 {