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Examples of a SRC 20 contract in Sway

use standards::src20::{SetDecimalsEvent, SetNameEvent, SetSymbolEvent, SRC20, TotalSupplyEvent,};
use std::{auth::msg_sender, string::String};
configurable {
    /// The total supply of coins for the asset minted by this contract.
    TOTAL_SUPPLY: u64 = 100_000_000,
    /// The decimals of the asset minted by this contract.
    DECIMALS: u8 = 9u8,
    /// The name of the asset minted by this contract.
    NAME: str[7] = __to_str_array("MyAsset"),
    /// The symbol of the asset minted by this contract.
    SYMBOL: str[5] = __to_str_array("MYTKN"),
impl SRC20 for Contract {
    /// Returns the total number of individual assets minted by a contract.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// For this single asset contract, this is always one.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [u64] - The number of assets that this contract has minted.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let assets = src_20_abi.total_assets();
    ///     assert(assets == 1);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {
    /// Returns the total supply of coins for the asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the total supply, this should be the default `SubId`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<u64>] - The total supply of an `asset`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::constants::DEFAULT_SUB_ID;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let supply = src_20_abi.total_supply(DEFAULT_SUB_ID);
    ///     assert(supply.unwrap() != 0);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    /// Returns the name of the asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the name, this should be the default `SubId`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<String>] - The name of `asset`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::constants::DEFAULT_SUB_ID;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let name = src_20_abi.name(DEFAULT_SUB_ID);
    ///     assert(name.is_some());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    /// Returns the symbol of the asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the symbol, this should be the default `SubId`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<String>] - The symbol of `asset`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::constants::DEFAULT_SUB_ID;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let symbol = src_20_abi.symbol(DEFAULT_SUB_ID);
    ///     assert(symbol.is_some());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    /// Returns the number of decimals the asset uses.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the decimals, this should be the default `SubId`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<u8>] - The decimal precision used by `asset`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::constants::DEFAULT_SUB_ID;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let decimals = src_20_abi.decimals(DEFAULT_SUB_ID);
    ///     assert(decimals.unwrap() == 9u8);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
abi EmitSRC20Events {
    fn emit_src20_events();
impl EmitSRC20Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src20_events() {
        // Metadata that is stored as a configurable should only be emitted once.
        let asset = AssetId::default();
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        log(SetNameEvent {
            name: Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME))),
        log(SetSymbolEvent {
            symbol: Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL))),
        log(SetDecimalsEvent {
            decimals: DECIMALS,
        log(TotalSupplyEvent {
            supply: TOTAL_SUPPLY,