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Forc Call

Icon LinkForc Call

forc-call is a command-line tool for interacting with deployed Fuel contracts. It allows you to make contract calls, query contract state, and interact with any deployed contract on the Fuel network - all from your command line!

The forc call command is part of the Forc toolchain and is installed alongside other Forc tools.

Icon LinkGetting Started

Here are a few examples of what you can do with forc call:

Call a simple addition function on a deployed contract (in dry-run mode):

abi ContractABI {
  fn add(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64;
impl ContractABI for Contract {
  fn add(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
    a + b
forc call 0xe18de7c7c8c61a1c706dccb3533caa00ba5c11b5230da4428582abf1b6831b4d \
  --abi ./out/debug/counter-contract-abi.json \
  add 1 2

Query the owner of a deployed DEX contract Icon Link on testnet:

forc call \
  --testnet \
  --abi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mira-amm/mira-v1-periphery/refs/heads/main/fixtures/mira-amm/mira_amm_contract-abi.json \
  0xd5a716d967a9137222219657d7877bd8c79c64e1edb5de9f2901c98ebe74da80 \

Icon LinkUsage

The basic syntax for forc call is:


Where the following arguments are required:

  • CONTRACT_ID is the ID of the deployed contract you want to interact with
  • ABI-PATH/URL is the path or URL to the contract's JSON ABI file
  • SELECTOR is the function name (selector) you want to call
  • ARGS are the arguments to pass to the function

Icon LinkType Encoding

When passing arguments to contract functions, values are encoded according to their Sway types. Here's how to format different types:

TypesExample inputNotes
booltrue or false
u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u25642
b2560x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000042 or 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000420x prefix is optional
bytes, RawSlice0x42 or 420x prefix is optional
String, StringSlice, StringArray (Fixed-size)"abc"
Tuple(42, true)The types in tuple can be different
Array (Fixed-size), Vector (Dynamic)[42, 128]The types in array or vector must be the same; i.e. you cannot have [42, true]
Struct{42, 128}Since structs are packed encoded, the attribute names are not encoded; i.e. {42, 128}; this could represent the following struct Polygon { x: u64, y: u64 }
Enum(Active: true) or (1: true)Enums are key-val pairs with keys as being variant name (case-sensitive) or variant index (starting from 0) and values as being the variant value; this could represent the following enum MyEnum { Inactive, Active(bool) }

Icon LinkABI Support

The ABI (Application Binary Interface) can be provided in two ways.

Icon LinkLocal file

forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi ./path/to/abi.json <FUNCTION> [ARGS...]

Icon LinkRemote ABI file/URL

forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi https://example.com/abi.json <FUNCTION> [ARGS...]

Icon LinkNetwork Configuration

forc call --node-url ...
# or
forc call --target local ...

Icon LinkAdvanced Usage

Icon LinkUsing Wallets

# utilising the forc-wallet
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --wallet
# with an explicit signing key
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --signing-key <KEY>

Icon LinkAsset Transfers

# Native asset transfer
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --amount 100 --live
# Custom asset transfer
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> \
    --amount 100 \
    --asset-id 0x1234... \

Icon LinkGas Configuration

# Set gas price
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --gas-price 1

# Forward gas to contract
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --gas-forwarded 1000

# Set maximum fee
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> <FUNCTION> --max-fee 5000

Icon LinkCommon Use Cases

Icon LinkContract State Queries

# Read contract state
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> get_balance

# Query with parameters
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> get_user_info 0x1234...

Icon LinkToken Operations

# Check token balance
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> balance_of 0x1234...

# Transfer tokens
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> transfer 0x1234... 100 --live

Icon LinkContract Administration

# Check contract owner
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> owner

# Update contract parameters
forc call <CONTRACT_ID> --abi <PATH> update_params 42 --live

Icon LinkTips and Tricks

  • Use --mode simulate to estimate gas costs before making live transactions
  • External contracts are automatically detected (via internal simulations), but can be manually specified with --external-contracts
  • For complex parameter types (tuples, structs, enums), refer to the parameter types table above
  • Always verify contract addresses and ABIs before making live calls
  • Use environment variables for sensitive data like signing keys: SIGNING_KEY=<key>

Icon LinkTroubleshooting

Icon LinkCommon issues and solutions

  • ABI Mismatch:

    • Ensure the ABI matches the deployed contract
    • Verify function selectors match exactly
  • Parameter Type Errors:

    • Check parameter formats in the types table
    • Ensure correct number of parameters
  • Network Issues:

    • Verify node connection
    • Check network selection (testnet/mainnet)
  • Transaction Failures:

    • Use simulation mode to debug
    • Check gas settings
    • Verify wallet has sufficient balance

Icon LinkFuture Features

The following features are planned for future releases:

  • Support direct transfer of asset(s) to addresses
  • Function signature based calls without ABI
  • Raw calldata input support
  • Function selector completion
  • Enhanced error messages, debugging, and logging (additional verbosity modes)