Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link


Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link

@fuel-ts/account v0.96.1 Docs

Icon LinkClass: CreateTransactionRequest

CreateTransactionRequest provides functionalities for creating a transaction request that creates a contract.

Icon LinkExtends

Icon LinkConstructors

Icon Linknew CreateTransactionRequest()

Icon InfoCircle

new CreateTransactionRequest(createTransactionRequestLike): CreateTransactionRequest

Creates an instance CreateTransactionRequest.

Icon LinkParameters

createTransactionRequestLike: CreateTransactionRequestLike

The initial values for the instance

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkOverrides

BaseTransactionRequest .constructor

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:53 Icon Link

Icon LinkProperties

Icon LinkbytecodeWitnessIndex

Icon InfoCircle

bytecodeWitnessIndex: number

Witness index of contract bytecode to create

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:42 Icon Link

Icon Linkinputs

Icon InfoCircle

inputs: TransactionRequestInput [] = []

List of inputs

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .inputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:116 Icon Link

Icon Linkmaturity?

Icon InfoCircle

optional maturity: number

Block until which tx cannot be included

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .maturity

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:110 Icon Link

Icon LinkmaxFee

Icon InfoCircle

maxFee: BN

The maximum fee payable by this transaction using BASE_ASSET.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .maxFee

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:112 Icon Link

Icon Linkoutputs

Icon InfoCircle

outputs: TransactionRequestOutput [] = []

List of outputs

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .outputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:118 Icon Link

Icon Linksalt

Icon InfoCircle

salt: string


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:44 Icon Link

Icon LinkstorageSlots

Icon InfoCircle

storageSlots: TransactionRequestStorageSlot[]

List of storage slots to initialize

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:46 Icon Link

Icon Linktip?

Icon InfoCircle

optional tip: BN

Gas price for transaction

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .tip

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:108 Icon Link

Icon Linktype

Icon InfoCircle

type: Create

Type of the transaction

Icon LinkOverrides

BaseTransactionRequest .type

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:40 Icon Link

Icon LinkwitnessLimit?

Icon InfoCircle

optional witnessLimit: BN

The maximum amount of witness data allowed for the transaction

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .witnessLimit

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:114 Icon Link

Icon Linkwitnesses

Icon InfoCircle

witnesses: BytesLike [] = []

List of witnesses

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .witnesses

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:120 Icon Link

Icon LinkMethods

Icon LinkaddAccountWitnesses()

Icon InfoCircle

addAccountWitnesses(account): Promise<CreateTransactionRequest >

Helper function to add an external signature to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

account: Account | Account []

The account/s to sign to the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<CreateTransactionRequest >

The transaction with the signature witness added.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addAccountWitnesses

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:294 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddChangeOutput()

Icon InfoCircle

addChangeOutput(to, assetId): void

Adds a change output to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

to: AddressLike

Address of the owner.

assetId: BytesLike

Asset ID of coin.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addChangeOutput

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:519 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddCoinInput()

Icon InfoCircle

addCoinInput(coin): void

Adds a single coin input to the transaction and a change output for the related assetId, if one it was not added yet.

Icon LinkParameters

coin: Coin

Coin resource.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addCoinInput

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:368 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddCoinOutput()

Icon InfoCircle

addCoinOutput(to, amount, assetId): CreateTransactionRequest

Adds a coin output to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

to: AddressLike

Address of the owner.

amount: BigNumberish

Amount of coin.

assetId: BytesLike

Asset ID of coin.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addCoinOutput

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:483 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddCoinOutputs()

Icon InfoCircle

addCoinOutputs(to, quantities): CreateTransactionRequest

Adds multiple coin outputs to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

to: AddressLike

Address of the destination.

quantities: CoinQuantityLike []

Quantities of coins.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addCoinOutputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:500 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddContractCreatedOutput()

Icon InfoCircle

addContractCreatedOutput(contractId, stateRoot): void

Adds a contract created output to the transaction request.

Icon LinkParameters

contractId: BytesLike

The contract ID.

stateRoot: BytesLike

The state root.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:108 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddMessageInput()

Icon InfoCircle

addMessageInput(message): void

Adds a single message input to the transaction and a change output for the asset against the message

Icon LinkParameters

message: Message | MessageCoin

Message resource.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addMessageInput

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:409 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddResource()

Icon InfoCircle

addResource(resource): CreateTransactionRequest

Adds a single resource to the transaction by adding a coin/message input and a change output for the related assetId, if one it was not added yet.

Icon LinkParameters

resource: Resource

The resource to add.

Icon LinkReturns


This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addResource

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:453 Icon Link

Icon LinkaddResources()

Icon InfoCircle

addResources(resources): CreateTransactionRequest

Adds multiple resources to the transaction by adding coin/message inputs and change outputs from the related assetIds.

Icon LinkParameters

resources: readonly Resource []

The resources to add.

Icon LinkReturns


This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .addResources

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:470 Icon Link

Icon LinkbyteLength()

Icon InfoCircle

byteLength(): number

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .byteLength

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:709 Icon Link

Icon LinkcalculateMaxGas()

Icon InfoCircle

calculateMaxGas(chainInfo, minGas): BN

Icon LinkParameters

chainInfo: ChainInfo

minGas: BN

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .calculateMaxGas

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:567 Icon Link

Icon LinkfundWithFakeUtxos()

Icon InfoCircle

fundWithFakeUtxos(quantities, baseAssetId, resourcesOwner?): CreateTransactionRequest

Funds the transaction with fake UTXOs for each assetId and amount in the quantities array.

Icon LinkParameters

quantities: CoinQuantity []

CoinQuantity Array.

baseAssetId: string

The base asset to fund the transaction.

resourcesOwner?: AbstractAddress

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDeprecated

  • This method is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please use Account.generateFakeResources along with this.addResources instead.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .fundWithFakeUtxos

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:596 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetBaseTransaction()

Icon InfoCircle

protected getBaseTransaction(): ToBaseTransactionResponse

Method to obtain the base transaction details.

Icon LinkReturns


The base transaction details.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getBaseTransaction

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:179 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetChangeOutputs()

Icon InfoCircle

getChangeOutputs(): ChangeTransactionRequestOutput []

Gets the change outputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

ChangeTransactionRequestOutput []

The change outputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getChangeOutputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:332 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetCoinInputs()

Icon InfoCircle

getCoinInputs(): CoinTransactionRequestInput []

Gets the coin inputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

CoinTransactionRequestInput []

The coin inputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getCoinInputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:310 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetCoinOutputs()

Icon InfoCircle

getCoinOutputs(): CoinTransactionRequestOutput []

Gets the coin outputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

CoinTransactionRequestOutput []

The coin outputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getCoinOutputs

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:321 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetCoinOutputsQuantities()

Icon InfoCircle

getCoinOutputsQuantities(): CoinQuantity []

Retrieves an array of CoinQuantity for each coin output present in the transaction. a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

CoinQuantity []

CoinQuantity array.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getCoinOutputsQuantities

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:647 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetContractCreatedOutputs()

Icon InfoCircle

getContractCreatedOutputs(): ContractCreatedTransactionRequestOutput []

Get contract created outputs for the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

ContractCreatedTransactionRequestOutput []

An array of contract created transaction request outputs.

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:84 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetTransactionId()

Icon InfoCircle

getTransactionId(chainId): string

Gets the Transaction Request by hashing the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

chainId: number

The chain ID.

Icon LinkReturns


  • A hash of the transaction, which is the transaction ID.

Icon LinkOverrides

BaseTransactionRequest .getTransactionId

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:98 Icon Link

Icon LinkremoveWitness()

Icon InfoCircle

removeWitness(index): void

Icon LinkParameters

index: number

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .removeWitness

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:675 Icon Link

Icon LinktoJSON()

Icon InfoCircle

toJSON(): any

Return the minimum amount in native coins required to create a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns


The transaction as a JSON object.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .toJSON

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:671 Icon Link

Icon LinktoTransaction()

Icon InfoCircle

toTransaction(): TransactionCreate

Converts the transaction request to a TransactionCreate.

Icon LinkReturns


The transaction create object.

Icon LinkOverrides

BaseTransactionRequest .toTransaction

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:65 Icon Link

Icon LinktoTransactionBytes()

Icon InfoCircle

toTransactionBytes(): Uint8Array

Converts the transaction request to a byte array.

Icon LinkReturns


The transaction bytes.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .toTransactionBytes

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:210 Icon Link

Icon LinkupdatePredicateGasUsed()

Icon InfoCircle

updatePredicateGasUsed(inputs): void

Icon LinkParameters

inputs: TransactionRequestInput []

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .updatePredicateGasUsed

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:689 Icon Link

Icon LinkupdateWitness()

Icon InfoCircle

updateWitness(index, witness): void

Updates an existing witness without any side effects.

Icon LinkParameters

index: number

The index of the witness to update.

witness: BytesLike

The new witness.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkThrows

If the witness does not exist.

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .updateWitness

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:281 Icon Link

Icon LinkupdateWitnessByOwner()

Icon InfoCircle

updateWitnessByOwner(address, signature): void

Updates the witness for a given owner and signature.

Icon LinkParameters

address: string | AbstractAddress

The address to get the coin input witness index for.

signature: BytesLike

The signature to update the witness with.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .updateWitnessByOwner

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:266 Icon Link

Icon Linkfrom()

Icon InfoCircle

static from(obj): CreateTransactionRequest

Icon LinkParameters

obj: CreateTransactionRequestLike

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/create-transaction-request.ts:35 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetPolicyMeta()

Icon InfoCircle

static getPolicyMeta(req): object

Icon LinkParameters

req: BaseTransactionRequest

Icon LinkReturns


Icon Linkpolicies

Icon InfoCircle

policies: Policy[]

Icon LinkpolicyTypes

Icon InfoCircle

policyTypes: number

Icon LinkInherited from

BaseTransactionRequest .getPolicyMeta

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-request/transaction-request.ts:145 Icon Link