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Nightly /
Decoding Script Transactions

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The SDK offers some tools that can help you make fuel script transactions more human readable. You can determine whether the script transaction is:

  • calling a contract method(s),
  • is a loader script and you can see the blob id
  • is neither of the above

In the case of contract call(s), if you have the ABI file, you can also decode the arguments to the function by making use of the AbiFormatter:

let TransactionType::Script(tx) = provider
else {
    panic!("Transaction is not a script transaction");
let ScriptType::ContractCall(calls) = ScriptType::detect(tx.script(), tx.script_data())?
else {
    panic!("Script is not a contract call");
let json_abi = std::fs::read_to_string(
let abi_formatter = ABIFormatter::from_json_abi(json_abi)?;
let call = &calls[0];
let fn_selector = call.decode_fn_selector()?;
let decoded_args =
    abi_formatter.decode_fn_args(&fn_selector, call.encoded_args.as_slice())?;
    "The script called: {fn_selector}({})",
    decoded_args.join(", ")


The script called: initialize_counter(42)

The AbiFormatter can also decode configurables, refer to the rust docs for more information.