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Nightly /
Splitting Utxos

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There may be times when you want to split one large UTXO into multiple smaller UTXOs. This can be useful if you want to send multiple concurrent transactions without having to wait for them to be processed sequentially.

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Note: Depending on how many smaller UTXOs you want to create, you may need to fund the wallet with additional funds to cover the fees. As we see in the example below, we fund the sending wallet with 500 to cover the fees for the batch transfer.

import { Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL, WALLET_PVT_KEY } from '../../../env';
const provider = new Provider(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const baseAssetId = await provider.getBaseAssetId();
// This is the wallet that will fund the sending wallet
const fundingWallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(WALLET_PVT_KEY, provider);
// This is the wallet that will send the funds
const wallet = Wallet.generate({ provider });
// This is the wallet that will receive the funds
const destinationWallet = Wallet.generate({ provider });
// Let's fund the sending wallet with 1000 of the base asset
const fundingTx = await fundingWallet.transfer(
await fundingTx.waitForResult();
// We can fetch the coins to see how many UTXOs we have and confirm it is 1
const { coins: initialCoins } = await wallet.getCoins(baseAssetId);
console.log('Initial Coins Length', initialCoins.length);
// 1
// Now we can split the large 1000 UTXO into 5 UTXOs of 200 each,
// Including the address to send the funds to and the assetId we want to send
const splitTxns = new Array(5).fill({
  amount: 200,
  assetId: baseAssetId,
  destination: destinationWallet.address,
// We will also need add some funds to the wallet to cover the fee
// We could have also spent less than 200 for each UTXO, but this is just an example
const fundTx = await fundingWallet.transfer(wallet.address, 500, baseAssetId);
await fundTx.waitForResult();
console.log('Split UTXOs', splitTxns);
// [
//   { amount: 200, assetId: '0x0', destination	: '0x...' },
//   { amount: 200, assetId: '0x0', destination: '0x...' },
//   { amount: 200, assetId: '0x0', destination: '0x...' },
//   { amount: 200, assetId: '0x0', destination: '0x...' },
//   { amount: 200, assetId: '0x0', destination: '0x...' }
// ]
// Then we can send the transactions using the batchTransfer function
const batchTx = await wallet.batchTransfer(splitTxns);
await batchTx.waitForResult();