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Send and Spend Funds from Predicates

Icon LinkSend And Spend Funds From Predicates

Predicates can be used to validate transactions. This implies that a predicate can safeguard assets, only allowing their transfer if the predicate conditions are met.

This guide will demonstrate how to send and spend funds using a predicate.

Icon LinkPredicate Example

Consider the following predicate:

fn main(input_address: b256) -> bool {
    let valid_address = 0xfc05c23a8f7f66222377170ddcbfea9c543dff0dd2d2ba4d0478a4521423a9d4;
    input_address == valid_address

This predicate accepts an address of type B256 and compares it with a hard-coded address of the same type. If both addresses are equal, the predicate returns true, otherwise it will return false.

Icon LinkInteracting with the Predicate Using SDK

Let's use the above predicate to validate our transaction.

Once you've compiled the predicate (forc build), you'll obtain two important artifacts: the JSON ABI and the predicate's binary code. These are needed to instantiate a new predicate.

This is where we also pass in the predicate's data. Note that the main function in our predicate example requires a parameter called input_address of type B256. We will pass this parameter to the Predicate constructor along with the bytecode and the JSON ABI.

import { Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL, WALLET_PVT_KEY } from '../../../../env';
import { SimplePredicate } from '../../../../typegend';
const provider = new Provider(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const baseAssetId = await provider.getBaseAssetId();
const sender = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(WALLET_PVT_KEY, provider);
const receiver = Wallet.generate({ provider });
const inputAddress =
const predicate = new SimplePredicate({
  data: [inputAddress],
Icon InfoCircle

Note: If you want to pass in the predicate data after instantiating the Predicate or if you want to use a different data than the one passed in the constructor, you will have to create a new Predicate instance.

With the predicate instantiated, we can transfer funds to its address. This requires us to have a wallet with sufficient funds. If you're unsure about using wallets with the SDK, we recommend checking out our wallet guide.

// The amount of coins to send to the predicate
const amountToPredicate = 10_000_000;
// Fund the predicate with some funds from our wallet (sender)
const fundPredicateTx = await sender.transfer(
    gasLimit: 1000,
// Wait for the transaction
await fundPredicateTx.waitForResult();

Now that our predicate holds funds, we can use it to validate a transaction and hence execute our transfer. We can achieve that by doing the following:

// The amount of coins to send from the predicate, to our receiver wallet.
const amountToReceiver = 200;
// Transfer funds from the predicate, to our receiver wallet
const transferFromPredicateTx = await predicate.transfer(
// Wait for the transaction
await transferFromPredicateTx.waitForResult();

Note the method transfer has two parameters: the recipient's address and the intended transfer amount.

Once the predicate resolves with a return value true based on its predefined condition, our predicate successfully spends its funds by means of a transfer to a desired wallet.

In a similar approach, you can use the createTransfer method, which returns a ScriptTransactionRequest Icon Link. Then, we can submit this transaction request by calling the sendTransaction method.

The following example, we are pre-staging a transaction and therefore we are able to know the transaction ID without actually submitting the transaction.

// Create the transaction for transferring funds from the predicate.
const transactionRequest = await predicate.createTransfer(
    gasLimit: 1000,
// We can obtain the transaction ID before submitting the transaction.
const chainId = await provider.getChainId();
const transactionId = transactionRequest.getTransactionId(chainId);
// We can submit the transaction and wait for the result.
const submitTransaction = await predicate.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
await submitTransaction.waitForResult();

Icon LinkSpending Entire Predicate Held Amount

Trying to forward the entire amount held by the predicate results in an error because no funds are left to cover the transaction fees. Attempting this will result in an error message like:

const errorMessage = `The account(s) sending the transaction don't have enough funds to cover the transaction.`;

Icon LinkPredicate Validation Failure

What happens when a predicate fails to validate? Recall our predicate only validates if the input_address matches the hard-coded valid_address. Hence, if we set a different data from the valid_address, the predicate will fail to validate.

When a predicate fails to validate, the SDK throws an error that starts like this:

const errorMessage = `PredicateVerificationFailed`;