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Nightly /
Instantiating a Script

Icon LinkInstantiating a script

Similar to contracts and predicates, once you've written a script in Sway and compiled it with forc build (read here Icon Link for more on how to work with Sway), you'll get the script binary. Using the binary, you can instantiate a script as shown in the code snippet below:

import type { BigNumberish } from 'fuels';
import { arrayify, Provider, ReceiptType, ScriptRequest, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL, WALLET_PVT_KEY } from '../../../env';
import { CallTestScript } from '../../../typegend';
const provider = new Provider(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(WALLET_PVT_KEY, provider);
const script = new CallTestScript(wallet);
type MyStruct = {
  arg_one: boolean;
  arg_two: BigNumberish;
const scriptRequest = new ScriptRequest(
  (myStruct: MyStruct) => {
    const encoded = script.interface.functions.main.encodeArguments([myStruct]);
    return arrayify(encoded);
  (scriptResult) => {
    if (scriptResult.returnReceipt.type === ReceiptType.Revert) {
      throw new Error('Reverted');
    if (scriptResult.returnReceipt.type !== ReceiptType.ReturnData) {
      throw new Error('fail');
    const [decodedResult] = script.interface.functions.main.decodeOutput(
    return decodedResult;

In the next section , we show how to run a script.