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Nightly /
Setting Up Test Wallets

Icon LinkSetting up test wallets

You'll often want to create one or more test wallets when testing your contracts. Here's how to do it.

Icon LinkCreate a single wallet

import type { WalletLocked, WalletUnlocked } from 'fuels';
import { Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL } from '../../../env';
// We can use the `generate` to create a new unlocked wallet.
const provider = new Provider(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const myWallet: WalletUnlocked = Wallet.generate({ provider });
// or use an Address to create a wallet
const someWallet: WalletLocked = Wallet.fromAddress(myWallet.address, provider);

Icon LinkSetting up multiple test wallets

You can set up multiple test wallets using the launchTestNode utility via the walletsConfigs option.

To understand the different configurations, check out the walletsConfig in the test node options guide.

using launched = await launchTestNode({
  walletsConfig: {
    count: 3,
    assets: [TestAssetId.A, TestAssetId.B],
    coinsPerAsset: 5,
    amountPerCoin: 100_000,
const {
  wallets: [wallet1, wallet2, wallet3],
} = launched;